Thursday, January 31, 2013

Breaking Open the Opening Prayers

Is it challenging to listen to some prayers of the Mass that don't have any punctuation or that may seem to go on and on without making any logic until the celebrant says those famous words "for ever and ever" which signals the assembly that it's almost time to sit down to listen to the Word of God?

Thanks to the Roman Catholic Diocese of San Jose's Office of Worship blog, (which I enjoy following) here's a website from the Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions (FDLC) that breaks open the opening prayers of the Mass, which is now known as the Collect.

The Collect is that prayer at the beginning of Mass after the celebrant says "Let us Pray" thus helping to remind the assembly of God's presence among us. The Collect express and summarize the character or focus of the Mass. (General Instruction of the Roman Missal #54)

Hopefully this resource will be a good way for all of us to pray with the entire Body of Christ during Mass, Sunday after Sunday, and to break open the prayers of the people, especially in this Year of Faith. You may even like to use it somehow in a gathering such as a bible study, confirmation or RCIA session, or committee or staff meetings!

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